Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Buku-Buku Best Untuk Further Education............

Buku oh buku… hahaha mengantuk x dgr.. tp pnting ada buku nie time2 nak wat reference. Cth bile ari da mlm xkan nak pgi library lg kot,lewat2 mlm mcm bukak je.. tmbhan klu ad assgnmnt, mane nak cari reference lg time2 yg gnting klu x dri buku2.. ^^

Buku yg sy ada… klu ad sbrng persoaln or nak tau ape2 psal mklumat buku2 yg tercatat kat bwh nie insyaAllah sy boleh kongsi ..  email me at


1-Tafsir ibn kathir.
2-Hadith sahih bukhari n sahih muslim.
3-History of the Quranic text, from revelation to compilation.
4-Arabic for dummies.
5-Sirat ibn hisham, biography of Muhammad saw.
6-The hijab,why?
7-Don’t be sad Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni.
8-The muslim woman and her husband.
9-Natural blood of women (haid).
10- Fiqh us sunnah.
11-I want to repent,but..
12-Tuntunan bertaubat kepada Allah swt, Dr Yusuf al-Qaradhawi.
13-Principles of parenting.
14-Elements of shafi’e fiqh
15-The ship of salvation, the principles and jurisprudence of the school of imam shafi’e.
16-The face veil.
17-syeikh Islam Ibn taimmiyah biography.
18-The complete idiot’s guide to-Understanding Islam
19-The ideal muslim.
20-The ideal muslimah.
21-Risalah utk wanita mukminah.
22-For people who think.


1-The complete guitar series.
2-Learn how to play guitar.
3-Guitar chords for dummies.
4-Blues guitar for dummies.
5-Music theory-intermediate.
6-intermediate guitar.


1-Electronic devices and circuit theory, seventh edition, prentice hall.
2-Electronic devices conventional current version, seventh edition, Floyd.
3-Practical electronic handbooks, sixth edtion, newness.
4-Teach yourself Electricity and Electronics, third edition, stan gibilisco.
5-Fundamentals of digital electronics, by professor barry paton Dalhousie university.
6-Digital system design using VHDL, Charles H. Roth, Jr.
7-Motorola m68k programmer’s reference manual.
8-Power Electronic Handbooks, Muhammad H.Rashid.
9-Engineering Handbook, technical information.
10-What every engineer should know about decision making under uncertainty.
11-IEEE Computer-2007-08 magazine.
13-Introductory circuit analysis, boylestad.
14-Electrical circuit theory and technology.
15-Electricity and Electronics fundamental,2nd edition, Dale R.Patrick, Stephen W.Fardo.
16-Control system.


1-C for dummies.
2-C++ language.
3-C++ essential.


1-Pre-Calculus, David Santos
2- Calculus made easy.
3-Advanced Calculus.
4-Basic math for electricians.
5-The foundations of mathematics.
6-Mathematics, pre-calculus and introduction to probability.
8-Applied Calculus.
9-Mathematical method for physics and Engineering.
10-Mathematics at engineering books.

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